Complete logistics set-up
- ensures flexibility and minimises risk
Minimising risk for our customers
We offer complete logistic solutions through our own very experienced shipping department. We charter all types and sizes of vessels in huge numbers. Every year, we engage between 100 and 200 vessels worldwide to transport our goods to a huge variation of destinations. The vessels vary from coasters to panamax.
This means that we can deliver to any preferred destination/location, thereby minimising the risk the customer faces when it comes to fluctuations in freight marked and seasonal conditions.
We know the shipping marked inside out and can charter our vessels at the best possible terms to the benefit of our customers.
Safe and reliable delivery

We deliver large quantities of wood chips or energy logs to a harbour of your choice.
Optimise the fuel for your energy plant
The right choice of fuel is a combination of many parameters, including your own requirements regarding price, security of supply, quality, and sustainability. Once we have mapped your needs, we use our expertise and extensive international sourcing network to find and deliver the best fuel for your plant.
Wood Chips
Wood chips come with many different specifications, depending on the characteristics of the raw material and the production process. With raw material varying from energy logs to forest residues, wood chips can be customised to suite any purpose and any need.
Security of Supply
We ensure our customers a fully competitive security of supply, given the fact that we have developed and continue to maintain a wide global network of suppliers. The variety of material and terms enables us to always guarantee reliable and competitive supply under all prevailing market conditions.
Energy Logs
Energy Logs in many cases serve as base for wood chips, but energy logs can also be offered as a stand-alone product. Logs are easy to store and maintain their value and energy content even for a long period if needed. Wood chips produced from energy logs are considered very high quality and very homogeneous when it comes to particle size, low ash, chemistry and moisture.
Certified biofuels
At Verdo, we care for the environment, and together with our suppliers and partners we work seriously with sustainability through our certifications. By doing this we want to do our bit to push the forest industry in a more responsible and sustainable direction.