Waste as energy source

Verdo is building a new waste-to-energy plant in Tromsø in Norway


There is undoubtedly a substantial increase of waste generation and growing demand for energy due to population growth. Verdo and Kvitebjørn Varme are ready to face that challenge, hence the signed contract for the delivery of waste fired boiler plant, which is to be built in the city of Tromsø in Norway.

Today Kvitebjørn Varme delivers energy from the 10 MW waste-fired plant. The increase of the local population has enforced the changes that Kvitebjørn Varme and Verdo Energy Systems will introduce by establishing the 15 MW boiler plant, which is going to cover the growing demand for energy. The task is so far the biggest for Verdo Energy Systems.

Energy Systems. The new plant is going to deliver heat and energy from waste that cannot be disposed of in any other rational way - explains Bo Johansen, sales director at Verdo Energy Systems. 

”The boiler is designed to burn refuse-derived fuel. In other words, the waste that is left over after it has passed the sorting facility. Instead of disposing the waste into the landfill, we can make energy out of it for the use of the local community.​” 

Bo Johansen, sales director, Verdo Energy Systems.

Not only is Verdo going to built a new boiler plant but also upgrade the two existing boiler lines for the future connection to the CO2 capture system. Bo Johansen adds that ”We need to ensure that the parameters of the flue gas produced by the two existing boiler lines are corresponding to the flue gas parameters of the new plant. That is paramount for the future CO2 capture system.”

Big and centralised systems are not always the best solution
Although the number of smaller incineration plants is being reduced, there are still many areas where centralised plants are not a good option. Geographical location and distances make the transport of waste cumbersome and far from economical.

”Waste is generated everywhere where people are. At the same time people need energy - thermal and electrical. Our primary focus is on delivering smaller units for the local communities to help the tackle challenges - waste disposal and production of energy,” says Bo Johansen and continues: ”Waste management on the local level will result in potential energy and environmetal  savings.”

The new boiler plant will be commissioned in 2024, while the upgrade of the existing lines - already in summer 2023. Verdo organizes both the upgrade and extension of the existing plant in such a way that Kvitebjørn Varme can operate their plant continuously without having the installation come to a complete standstill.

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