Kvitebjørn - A Heating Plant with Ambitions

On November 28th, we launched a new 15 MW waste boiler at the Kvitebjørn heating plant, which is part of the energy installation delivered by Verdo.


Verdo Energy Systems designed and delivered the complete boiler system, which includes, among others: an economizer, reactor, two bag filters, and a DeNOx system. We also handled the installation of electrical, mechanical systems, pipelines, platforms and stairs, as well as the SRO management and control system to ensure optimal coordination of supply and operation. 

The new 15 MW installation is the third line of thermal processing of RDF into district heating for local consumers.

A little of history

We are proud to announce that many of our current employees, back when they were employees of Weiss A/S, contributed to the creation of the first two lines for Kvitebjørn A/S. Weiss A/S designed, manufactured, and delivered the components, while Verdo installed, commissioned, and handed over these lines for use. This is evidenced by the reference letter from Kvitebjørn Varme A/S.

We are pleased that the increase in the number of consumers has led to the demand for the creation of a third line. The new 15 MW line complements the two existing installations, each with a capacity of 10 MW, which will now together supply district heating. Before launching the third line, we modernized the two existing ones so that they could operate jointly.

Logistical Challenges

Delivering the components to Tromsø, which is located approximately 1150 km north of Oslo, was a challenge. Below are photos of the delivery of the main components to the installation site.

Below are photos showing the installations inside and outside

We are pleased with the growing awareness of the benefits of converting waste into thermal energy, which is a key step towards sustainable development. In the era of increasing amounts of municipal waste, traditional landfill methods are becoming less effective and more harmful to the environment. Therefore, we support companies that opt for alternative solutions, such as waste incineration, which reduces waste volume and produces valuable thermal energy. We have completed an important day, marking the culmination of hard work. We can't wait to hand over the operational installation to the client!
Kvitebjørn Varme AS – mission accomplished and we are ready for more
Nicolai Hermansen – Head of Installation Department

Reference letter from a client

Reference letter
0. Reference Letter Kvitebjorn Tromso

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