CHP plants and factories

Verdo carries out its own production of energy and biomass at CHP plants and factories

Biomass factories in England and Scotland
Verdo's British subsidiary, Verdo Renewables, manufactures wood pellets and wood briquettes at factories in England and Scotland respectively. The products are on sale through more than 500 retailers and are also sold directly to more than 3000 customers. Verdo Renewables is a market leader in the British wood pellet market and accounts for 35 percent of total sales of wood pellets. Read more about Verdo's activities in the UK here. 
Randers CHP plant - Denmark
The vast majority of Randers is heated using district heating from the Randers CHP plant, centrally located in the port of Randers and from where electricity is sold on the energy exchange. We currently fire using biofuel at the plant – this is good for the environment. The CHP plant chimney is a landmark in the city and is decorated with colourful lights during the darker months of the year.
Grenaa CHP plant - Denmark
The Grenaa CHP plant was built in 1992 and supplies district heating to Grenaa heating plant as well as process steam to companies that use steam in production. The plant is a multi-fuel fired combined heat/power station.
Verdo Hydrogen - Denmark
Verdo has its own hydrogen factory in Hobro. Hydrogen is a sustainable future source of energy and can be used in cars, back-up power systems, etc. The local metal business Sintex, owned by Grundfos and situated in Hobro, currently uses the hydrogen for its production.